23 Dec 2021

Top 5 podcast episodes of 2021

Top 5 EAIE podcast episodes of 2021


Over the past 12 months, the EAIE podcast has taken us on a journey around the world to meet an array of professionals working on the frontline of international higher education. As they sat together with our Associate Director Laura Rumbley for these bi-weekly audio ‘appointments’, they introduced us to their lives and activities, and helped us better understand the big issues pertaining to our sector.  

As we approach the end of 2021, we have collected here the five most popular episodes of the EAIE podcast, to remind ourselves of what our community has found most urgent to discuss in the past 12 months and brace ourselves for another year of challenges and successes.

1. Maria Kelo: The big new world of micro-credentials

Bite-size learning is the big new thing in higher education policy. Maria Kelo, Director of the European Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education, joined our podcast for a chat about micro-credentials and their likely impact on international higher education.

2. Fiona Hunter: Cultivating our way forward

The Centre for Higher Education Internationalisation’s Fiona Hunter (also a former EAIE President) reflected on gardening as an apt metaphor for thinking about fostering new approaches to institutional development.

3. Robert Buttery: A Swiss view on Turing

Robert Buttery shared insights on the UK’s opportunities for post-Erasmus mobility based on his long experience at the University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland, in a country that was also faced with an abrupt exit from Erasmus.

4. Sarah Lamaison: Science – a woman’s world

Sarah Lamaison shared her perspective as a rising young scientist on the future of women in science and the impact that research like hers can make on our common well-being.

5. Inma Martinez : Digital transformation 2021

Scientist Inma Martinez weighed in on key issues of how technology can support the work of higher education, and how real human needs and interests sit at the heart of all technological innovation.

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