13 Feb 2024

The 2024 EAIE Mentorship programme: experience the impact

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Each year, the EAIE Mentorship programme knits our global community even tighter together by pairing experienced internationalisation professionals with colleagues who are eager to learn and grow. Applications for the 2024 Mentorship are now open to EAIE members – read more about the programme and its benefits below.

The EAIE Mentorship programme is a member-exclusive benefit that encourages supportive professional relationships between mentors and mentees. Individuals who are new to the sector or their positions are paired with experienced professionals who can offer valuable guidance and advice.

Who can participate?

The EAIE Mentorship programme is exclusively available to EAIE members – just one of many reasons to join our great community!

Whether you have years of experience under your belt or have just started in the field or in a new position, everyone can benefit from a collaborative professional relationship throughout their career. See which role fits your experience and needs best and apply to become a mentor or a mentee.

Professionals with more than five years’ experience and enthusiasm to share their knowledge can become mentors. As a mentor, you will engage in mutual learning and strengthen your leadership skills – helping them connect with other professionals through your network. You don’t need to be an expert in your area to participate: some knowledge and enthusiasm to share it is all it takes to be a mentor. If you’re new to the field or have recently changed positions, you can become a mentee. As a mentee, you have the opportunity to interact with an experienced professional from the field and ask for advice on specific projects or activities.

Why should you participate?

Whether as a mentor or mentee, joining in the EAIE Mentorship programme will help you forge connections within the international higher education community and advance your career in the field. Some of the benefits of the mentorship programme include:

  • Expanding your skills: Hone existing skills and acquire new ones in working with your mentor or mentee.
  • Growing your career: Accelerate your professional development through mutual learning.
  • Making meaningful connections: Expand your network, gain perspectives and build lasting friendships and professional relationships.
  • Boosting your confidence: Gain confidence through regular feedback, encouragement, and setting and reaching achievable goals.

Applications to participate in the EAIE Mentorship programme are currently open and will close on 15 March. After the application period, we will strive to match mentors and mentees with similar interests. Applicants can expect to hear about their mentor match in early April with an invitation to join a virtual meeting kicking off the 2024 programme. Current EAIE members can sign up to become a mentee or mentor here.

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