20 Dec 2022

Top 5 blog posts from 2022

Top 5 blog posts from 2022


As we approach the end of another eventful year, we are grateful that our community has been able to connect in person once again in Barcelona, while also continuing to connect weekly through the EAIE blog. Thanks to the avid readers and to our volunteer authors, whose generous contributions keep the EAIE blog on topic for all the latest relevant international higher education trends and topics. 

Revisit the themes that our community has found most compelling in 2022.

International education agents: the good, the bad and the ugly

How can institutions maximise their resources while increasing international student enrolment? In this blog post from January, author Arturo Segura discusses the good, the bad, and the ugly of working with international student agents.

Meet the 2022–2024 EAIE leaders and volunteers

The announcement of the men and women who will lead the Association through the next two years was met with great fanfare. Meet the elected leaders of our community who will guide the EAIE through the 2022–2024 period.

Understanding international student needs: ESN Survey results

The Erasmus Student Network Survey is one of the key research publications on student mobility. This blog post by ESN President Juan Rayón delves into some of the main takeaways from the latest edition of the survey and what it means for practitioners of international higher education.

4. Connecting currents at EAIE Rotterdam 2023

In 2023, the Annual EAIE Conference and Exhibition will reunite the international higher education community in a city known for innovation, creativity and above all, resilience. Revisit this May blog post on the 2023 conference theme and what participants can expect.

5. Supporting international students in times of crisis and conflict

As international education professionals, we have both a moral and an academic duty to lead and support those affected most acutely by national and international crises. This March post by Claire O'Leary, Louise Staunton and Stephanie Griffiths draws from the Russian invasion of Ukraine to offer a list of concrete recommendations for supporting students in times of acute need.

Sector superheroes: 2022 EAIE Award winners

The EAIE Awards shine a spotlight on the achievements of our community: people, institutions and organisations committed to transforming the field of international higher education. Revisit this post to learn more about the 2022 award winners who went above and beyond in demonstrating the full spectrum of what international higher education can do for the global society.

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