28 Oct 2020

David Crosier: It’s all in the numbers

It’s all in the numbers


The fifth episode of the EAIE podcast is all about data - numbers and data of many sorts have a powerful role to play in helping us make sense of the world today. The right kind of data, collected and interpreted in meaningful ways, can offer key insights into vital aspects of European higher education and exert real influence on policy and practice. It may not be “all in the numbers”, of course, but data and statistics have a great deal to offer if we leverage them wisely. 

This episode features the voice and perspectives of David Crosier, higher education system and policy analyst at Eurydice, the education information network of the European Union. Celebrating 40 years in 2020, Eurydice is a network of 43 national units based in all 38 countries of the Erasmus+ programme. Its remit is to provide policymakers in education systems across Europe with information and insight that will support robust decision-making processes by publishing descriptive materials, comparative and thematic reports, statistical information and news updates focused on how education systems are organised in Europe and how they work. From this vantage point, a conversation with David Crosier offers a unique window on the forthcoming 2020 Bologna Process Implementation report and other recent research of interest to practitioners and policymakers in the international higher education community.

About David Crosier

David Crosier leads the work on higher education at Eurydice, the European Union’s education information network, which is based in the European Education Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). His work includes the production of the Bologna Process Implementation Reports (2012, 2015, 2018 and 2020 (forthcoming)) which inform discussions and policy decisions at the European Higher Education Ministerial Conferences. Eurydice also produces thematic reports on key higher education European priorities, as well as regular information updates on student fees and support.

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