Get involved questions

You've probably got a few questions about getting involved as a volunteer or sharing your knowledge. You can view frequently asked questions on General Council, Board and Committees here. If you haven't found the answer to your question, please contact us.


About the General Council 

How many positions are available?

There are fifteen (15) positions available on the General Council.  

What is the term of office?

General Council members are elected for a period of three years and may serve a maximum of two consecutive terms of three years. After expiry of their second term, a General Council member will not be eligible for re-election to the General Council, until after expiry of a three-year period.  

General Council elections are held every three years. The 2024–2027 term will officially begin in September of this year.  

When do the elections open?

The nomination period is 18 March–05 April 2024.

The voting period is 29 April–10 May 2024

Who can stand for election?

Any full-paid member of the EAIE can stand for election. Members can nominate themself during the call for nominations. You many only apply for one open position within the EAIE during the upcoming nominations.  

How many supporters does my nomination need?

Nominations for the General Council require written support from two current EAIE members. When submitting your nomination, please include the names and email addresses of your two supporters. Please ensure you have already asked them endorse your candidacy. The EAIE Office will then contact your supporters to confirm their support via a short form.

Can someone stand for more than one position?

No, nominees may only apply for one open position within the EAIE.  

Where do I submit my election statement?

You will need to provide your election statement when submitting your nomination. You cannot return to your nomination to finish this later. You can find more information about preparing your election statement here

Please write your election statement in the first person and limit the length of your statement to 1500 characters. This statement should include: 

  • Information on your background experience 

  • Details about your suitability for the role 

  • Outline of your vision for the EAIE 

What happens after I make my nomination?

When your nomination is received, the EAIE Office will send a short email to your supporters asking to confirm their support via a short form. Statements of support need to be received by 05 April.

How do I vote during the elections?

Voting will be open 29 April May–10 May. You'll receive a ballot via email to vote for your preferred candidate. You may only vote for one candidate. 

How is the elections process monitored?

The General Council elections will be supervised by an Electoral Committee. The Electoral Committee will oversee the collection, classification, counting and verification of the validity of the votes and produce a report of the results.

When will the results be shared?

All election candidates will be notified of the General Council election results and the results announced on the website via a blog in the week commencing 27 May.

How many General Council candidates am I allowed to vote for?

Each EAIE member is entitled to vote for one candidate. Voting will be open 29 April to 10 May. 

When does the new term begin?

Newly elected General Council members will start their term in September. General Council members will follow an introductory programme covering the relevant aspects of the position ahead of starting.

I am an EAIE member but cannot find the forms online?

The nomination and application forms are only accessible to EAIE members. You will need to log in to your EAIE account to access the forms.

If this is your first visit to our new website since its launch at the beginning of March, you'll need to create your account using the email address linked to your EAIE membership. Once you've completed the setup and logged in, you can access the various forms on the relevant position page:


About the Board

How many positions are available?

There are four (4) positions (including the Vice-President) available on the Board. 

What is the term of office?

All Board members (including the Vice-President) are appointed for a term of no more than three years and are eligible for reappointment for one additional consecutive term of maximally three years. After expiry of their reappointment term, a Board member will not be eligible for reappointment to the Board, until after expiry of a three-year period. Any Board member (including the Vice-President) may apply for the role of President when there is a vacancy.   

The 2024 term will officially begin in September this year.  

Who can apply?

Any full-paid member of the EAIE may stand for appointment. Nominees may only apply for one open position during the upcoming call for nominees.  

Can someone stand for more than one position?

No, nominees may only apply for one open position within the EAIE.  

When can I apply?

The applications will be open 18 March–12 April 2024.  

When will the appointment results be shared?

All candidates will be notified of the results and the successful appointments will be announced on the website via a blog. 

Where do I submit my application?

You are required to submit an application by Friday 12 April. Applicants seeking appointment as the Board member with the additional responsibilities of Vice-President should indicate this on their application form.   

When completing your application, you must provide: 

  • A letter of intent, detailing your suitability for the role as a Board member and as Vice-President (if applicable) and outlining your vision for the EAIE  

  • Copy of your CV, with details of your background experience 

What happens after I submit in my application?

Applications will be shared with the Appointment Advisory Committee who will select candidates for interview. The Appointment Advisory Committee will recommend one candidate for each Board vacancy to the General Council. The General Council will appoint the Board members on the recommendation of the Appointment Advisory Committee. 

When does the new term begin?

Newly appointed Board members will start their term in September.  New Board members will follow an introductory programme covering the relevant aspects of the position. 


I am an EAIE member but cannot find the forms online?

The nomination and application forms are only accessible to EAIE members. You will need to log in to your EAIE account to access the forms.

If this is your first visit to our new website since its launch at the beginning of March, you'll need to create your account using the email address linked to your EAIE membership. Once you've completed the setup and logged in, you can access the various forms on the relevant position page:


About Committee roles 

What is an EAIE Committee?

An EAIE Committee is part of the organisational structure of the Association and comprises members specialised in various areas who share their time and expertise to design and build the content of EAIE activities.

How can I apply for a position in a Committee?

All EAIE members can apply to join either a Functional or Thematic Committee. There are two separate processes to join the two Committee types. More information on how to become a part of a specific Committee can be found on their respective pages and on this FAQ page.

Do I need to be an EAIE member to join a Committee?

Yes, you must be an EAIE member to join or apply for a Committee. You must also be logged in with your EAIE account to access the application forms.

How can I apply to become part of a Functional Committee?

When the term of a functional Committee member is coming to a close, the Committee will publish a vacancy on the EAIE website. EAIE members can apply for this position. The Board will review all candidates and appoint the most suitable individual to the role. 

How many positions are available in a Thematic Committee?

There are seven (7) positions available within each Thematic Committee. The EAIE has nine (9) Thematic Committees. 

What is the term of office for a Thematic Committee member?

In 2024, Thematic Committee members are appointed for a term of two years. From 2026, Thematic Committee members will be appointed for a term of three years and are eligible for reappointment for one additional consecutive term of three years. The 2024–2026 term will officially begin in September.  

When are the appointment deadlines for the Thematic Committees?

The nomination period is 18 March–05 April 2024. The Member Consultation will run 29 April–10 May 2024. 

Who can stand for appointment for a Thematic Committee role?

Any full-paid member of the EAIE may stand for appointment.  

Can someone stand for more than one position in a Thematic Committee?

No, nominees may only apply for one open position within the EAIE.  

Who can nominate for a Thematic Committee role?

Any full-paid EAIE member may only nominate themselves.

How many Thematic Committee candidates am I allowed to endorse during the Member Consultation?

Each EAIE member is entitled to endorse up to three candidates per Thematic Committee. This results in a ranking. The top five candidates are automatically appointed by the Board. The Board will then appoint the two most suitable candidates among the remaining applicants, making sure that diverse people and topics are represented.  

How do I endorse my chosen candidates for a Thematic Committee role?

The Member Consultation period is 29 April–10 May. You will be able to show your endorsement for your three preferred candidates through a ballot sent via email. 

When will the appointment results for the Thematic Committees be shared?

All candidates will be notified of the Thematic Committee appointment results and the results announced on the website via a blog.

When will I start my Thematic Committee member term?

Newly appointed Thematic Committee members will start their term in September.  

Will there be any information shared prior to the Thematic Committee term's start?

Once appointed, Thematic Committee members will follow an introductory programme covering the relevant aspects of the position. 

I am an EAIE member but cannot find the forms online?

The nomination and application forms are only accessible to EAIE members. You will need to log in to your EAIE account to access the forms.

If this is your first visit to our new website since its launch at the beginning of March, you'll need to create your account using the email address linked to your EAIE membership. Once you've completed the setup and logged in, you can access the various forms on the relevant position page: