EAIE Toulouse 2024

Discover curated sessions and Ignite© presentations, offering rich discussions and innovative insights.


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Attendees can look forward to over 100 carefully curated sessions offering a rich array of discussions, interactions and learning opportunities, covering a wide spectrum of topics in the education sector. Additionally, the conference features 30 fast-paced Ignite© presentations fostering innovative thinking and detailed discussions. 

Tuesday 17 September
09:00 – 10:00
Introduction to International Higher Education in France (S1.01)

EAIE session

10:30 – 11:30
Maximise your experience: discover the world of the EAIE (S1.02)

EAIE session

13:00 – 13:45
What's new in the Western Balkans: en route to effective internationalisation of higher education (S1.09)

What's new session

13:30 – 17:00
Share and learn: doctoral students in international higher education (S1.03)

EAIE session

14:00 – 15:00
Back to Basics: Internationalisation for newcomers to the sector (S1.04)

EAIE session

15:30 – 16:15
What's new in Toulouse (S1.08)

What's new session

Wednesday 18 September
08:30 – 08:55
Morning mindfulness: awaken your senses and set intentions (S1111)

Mindfulness session

09:00 – 09:45
What's new in Hong Kong (S2.14)

What's new session

09:00 – 10:00
Make your next international staff training week a success! (S2.09)

Roundtable session

A moment of reflection: The philosophical foundations of our work in internationalisation (S2.11)

Fishbowl session

Improving cross-functional team communication pathways: Mitigating silos between marketing and admissions (S2.05)

Roundtable session

Rethinking your marketing: It’s time for change (S2.04)

Roundtable session

From there to where? What today’s data tells us about tomorrow’s international students (S2.07)

Panel session

Bridging borders with education: Models, challenges and advantages (S2.10)

Panel session

Campfire: A multi-perspective exploration of SDG3: Global initiatives for planetary health (S2.15)

Campfire session

Drawing on Sustainable Development Goals to create global changemakers (S2.06)

Roundtable session

Innovations in digital well-being: Online strategies and research for international student support (S2.08)

Panel session

Life skill: How to get and keep control of your email inbox (S2.12)

Life-skills session

09:00 – 10:30
Spotlight on Research on Internationalisation (S2.03)

Spotlight session

Spotlight on Student and Staff Mobility (S2.01)

Spotlight session

Spotlight on Teaching, Learning and Curriculum (S2.02)

Spotlight session

12:45 – 13:10
Afternoon mindfulness: maintain focus and stay calm on busy days (S1112)

Mindfulness session

13:30 – 14:15
What's new at Convera: Supporting student recruitment and study experience (S3.16)

What's new session

13:30 – 14:30
Switzerland’s decade outside Erasmus+: What have we learned and what is the way forward? (S3.12)

Fishbowl session

Unlocking global opportunities: Outreach programmes at European University Alliances (S3.07)

Panel session

Reconciling internationalisation with local and regional impact (S3.09)

Roundtable session

Apples and pears: Can quality be measured at the transnational level? (S3.06)

Roundtable session

Ethical intelligence: Discussing the ethical use of Generative AI in higher education (S3.04)

Roundtable session

From offer to arrival: Challenges, cooperation and best practices in international student admissions (S3.14)

Panel session

Higher education strategies for sustainable development: greenwashing practices or real impact? (S3.08)

Panel session

Campfire: En route to more inclusive internationalisation! (S3.15)

Campfire session

Embracing diversity for a better student experience: The role of individual culture (S3.10)

Roundtable session

International education at the crossroads of climate and social justice (S3.05)

Roundtable session

Ignite©: Innovations in student and staff mobility (S3.11)

Ignite© session

Life skill: 21 ways to manage the stuff that sucks your time (S3.13)

Life-skills session

13:30 – 15:00
Spotlight on European-Funded Programmes (S3.01)

Spotlight session

Spotlight on Leadership, Strategy and Policy (S3.02)

Spotlight session

Spotlight on Student and Alumni Services (S3.03)

Spotlight session

15:30 – 16:15
What's new in Portugal (S4.15)

What's new session

15:30 – 16:30
Connecting education and research: How European Universities Initiative alliances are contributing to bridging the gap (S4.13)

Panel session

Digitalising Erasmus+ : Streamlining admin processes in the era of interoperability for an enhanced student experience (S4.09)

Panel session

From top-down to bottom-up: Turning European University Alliances into engaged communities (S4.06)

Roundtable session

Critical Conversations 01: Navigating conflict on campus: Perspectives and strategies (S4.10)

Panel session

The politics and policies of internationalisation: ministers’ views (S4.04)

EAIE session

University strategies for global engagement: What’s changed since the pandemic? (S4.05)

Roundtable session

EU–US exchanges in higher education: Barriers and opportunities (S4.08)

Panel session

Diverse campuses, inclusive futures: Displaced students in higher education (S4.07)

Roundtable session

International students as ideal immigrants: How to raise their contribution to the labour market (S4.12)

Fishbowl session

English for Academic Purposes (EAP): Making it practical, interactive and fun (a case study) (S4.14)

Panel session

Ignite©: International skills inside and outside the classroom (S4.11)

Ignite© session

Campfire: French Life Skills: What it means to live in France (S4.16)

Campfire session

15:30 – 17:00
Spotlight on Marketing and Admissions (S4.01)

Spotlight session

Spotlight on Partnerships (S4.02)

Spotlight session

Spotlight on Social Responsibility (S4.03)

Spotlight session

Thursday 19 September
08:30 – 08:55
Morning mindfulness: awaken your senses and set intentions (S1113)

Mindfulness session

09:30 – 10:15
What’s new in the UK: priorities in international education and partnerships in Europe (S5.15)

What's new session

09:30 – 10:30
Towards sustainable alliances and partnership development: Successful concepts for community building (S5.12)

Panel session

Towards the institutional impact of academic staff mobility: Why's and How's (S5.13)

Panel session

Building capacity for network collaboration through COIL (S5.02)

Roundtable session

Campfire: Are we en route to gender equality in international higher education? (S5.14)

Campfire session

Erasmus Mundus: Strategic management of large-scale cooperation (S5.03)

Roundtable session

Getting past the rhetoric: A practical approach to making internationalisation work for everyone (S5.08)

Roundtable session

Staff professional development: Much to gain, nothing to lose (S5.04)

Roundtable session

Anti-marketing: How to use negative personas and contra-signalling to recruit the right students (S5.01)

Panel session

Critical Conversations 02: Advancing meaningful partnerships in the face of geopolitical tensions (S5.09)

Panel session

Different paths, shared goal: Sustainable models of global engagement (S5.11)

Fishbowl session

Ignite©: Projects and partners (S5.10)

Ignite© session

Adapting to a new environment: The effects of culture shock and war trauma on bilingual language acquisition (S5.06)

Roundtable session

Enhancing the exchange student experience on an institutional and departmental level (S5.07)

Panel session

Unlocking the potential: Engaging Educational Developers in Internationalisation of the Curriculum at Home (IoCaH) (S5.05)

Roundtable session

Internationalise yourself! Tips and tricks for a global mindset: 2024 EAIE Award winners session (S5.16)

Panel session

11:30 – 12:30
Catalysing change: Providing evidence of impact in Erasmus+ projects (S6.03)

Roundtable session

Erasmus Without Paper: A Tale of Transforming Erasmus+ Administration (S6.01)

Panel session

The future of EU programmes: Your voice counts! [Invite only] (S6.15)

Panel session

BIPs and European University Alliances: A match for the future (S6.07)

Panel session

How to engage with critiques of internationalisation: Learnings from Greece, Finland and the Netherlands (S6.05)

Roundtable session

The advocacy role of practitioners in pushing internationalisation forwards (S6.11)

Fishbowl session

Upholding academic freedom, international partnership and friendship in times of geopolitical crises (S6.06)

Roundtable session

Ignite©: Marketing on an international scale (S6.10)

Ignite© session

Active ageing: The place of seniors in international higher education (S6.08)

Roundtable session

Campfire: Globalising minds, localising perspectives (S6.14)

Campfire session

Critical Conversations 03: Empowering partners and ensuring balanced brain circulation (S6.09)

Panel session

Forging equitable pathways: Leadership programmes in internationalisation from the Global South (S6.04)

Roundtable session

From carbon footprint to climate action: Getting started on decarbonising international education (S6.12)

Panel session

Harmonising administration in student mobility: A utopian dream or a challenge accepted? (S6.13)

Panel session

Transforming international student services with AI: En route to an innovative future (S6.02)

Roundtable session

13:00 – 13:30
Campfire: Top tips to become an EAIE speaker (6.16)

Campfire session

13:15 – 13:40
Afternoon mindfulness: maintain focus and stay calm on busy days (S1114)

Mindfulness session

14:00 – 14:45
What's new at ETS: Forging the Future of Assessment: the latest news and cutting edge tools from ETS (S7.15)

What's new session

14:00 – 15:00
Stronger, smoother, sustainable? A decade of MSCA Joint Doctorates (S7.12)

Fishbowl session

The role and contribution of associated partners in the European Universities Initiative (S7.04)

Roundtable session

How to foster openness? Organisational strategy, culture, and global mindsets revisited (S7.05)

Roundtable session

International education and sustainability: Where are we heading? (S7.08)

Panel session

Myanmar: Academic collaboration in a politically sensitive context (S7.13)

Panel session

Telling a story: The value of narrative for international partnerships and stakeholder engagement (S7.14)

Panel session

Beyond email: How to succeed with chatbots and peer-to-peer channels (S7.02)

Panel session

COIL and sustainability education in the Arctic region (S7.07)

Roundtable session

Erasmus+ without barriers: Flexible formats to increase inclusivity (S7.03)

Roundtable session

Peer wisdom: Local voices co-creating global impact (S7.06)

Roundtable session

Ignite©: Fostering student development (S7.11)

Ignite© session

A ‘real world’ experience: Using virtual or augmented reality in international education (S7.10)

Roundtable session

Charting a course: Integrating critical thinking and intercultural competence in the classroom (S7.09)

Roundtable session

Campfire: A student perspective on internationalisation (S7.16)

Campfire session

Perceptions of internationalisation’s impact: EAIE Barometer insights (S7.01)

EAIE session

15:30 – 16:30
Increasing universities’ societal engagement through challenge-based programmes (S8.13)

Panel session

Less is more: How to simplify and digitalise Erasmus+ (S8.03)

Roundtable session

Agent Regulation: What have we learnt and what CAN we learn? (S8.16)

Panel session

Crafting policy with precision: Scalable analytics on student success and stay rates (S8.10)

Panel session

Diving into alumni relations (S8.11)

Fishbowl session

From one size fits all to dedicated services: Developing the international student’s journey (S8.12)

Panel session

Global collaboration and science diplomacy: Universities as catalysts for international engagement (S8.06)

Roundtable session

Harnessing diversity, equality and inclusion in internationalisation strategies (S8.08)

Roundtable session

Strategic cooperation: The benefits of data-driven decision-making (S8.04)

Roundtable session

Supporting institutions on their IaH route: The potential of national agencies (S8.05)

Roundtable session

The EAIE Debate: 'University rankings don’t make sense' (S8.07)

EAIE session

Attract, retain and explain: A 360° view of the international student journey (S8.01)

Panel session

The global skills race: Employability data and international education (S8.14)

Panel session

Interculturglobalsustainethics: Paving the way for radically new fundamentals in business education (S8.09)

Roundtable session

Campfire: Trends in summer schools and short-term programmes (8.15)

Campfire session

The future of internationalisation 2.0: Embracing the SDGs via Erasmus+ Blended Intensive Programmes (S8.02)

Roundtable session

Friday 20 September
08:00 – 08:25
Morning mindfulness: awaken your senses and set intentions (S1115)

Mindfulness session

09:00 – 10:00
Blueprint for a European degree (S9.01)

Panel session

KA171, what is in it for me? (S9.02)

Roundtable session

Plotting for powerful professional development: Equipping academics for internationalisation of the curriculum (S9.09)

Roundtable session

Promoting higher education: National strategies in European countries (S9.12)

Panel session

The power of storytelling in higher education (S9.07)

Panel session

Connecting global trends and local practices: The importance of marketing for higher education institutions (S9.03)

Roundtable session

Paths to discovery: What is your institutional response plan for averting and alleviating fraud? (S9.05)

Roundtable session

African–European student mobility: How to get en route to equity and success (S9.10)

Fishbowl session

North–South collaborations: En route to a connected future (S9.04)

Roundtable session

The future of higher education in an increasingly digital world (S9.13)

Panel session

Embracing the beauty of difference: Moving closer to inclusive internationalisation (S9.11)

Fishbowl session

Learning by serving society (S9.06)

Roundtable session

Improving engagement through social media: Using Instagram to encourage students to study abroad (S9.14)

Panel session

10:30 – 11:30
A roadmap for student co-creation: Critical lessons from European University Alliances (S10.10)

Fishbowl session

EWP Champions: Driving digital transformation in European higher education (S10.02)

Roundtable session

How European Universities alliances are spearheading sustainability literacy for all (S10.06)

Roundtable session

Is your joint programme really joint? A closer look at the challenges of Erasmus Mundus (S10.01)

Panel session

Meaningful mobility: Innovative approaches from European University Alliances (S10.12)

Panel session

On our way to widening access to student mobility: Inclusion initiatives in Erasmus+ and the way forward (S10.08)

Roundtable session

The HEI Initiative: Innovation and entrepreneurship through internationalisation (S10.11)

Fishbowl session

Beyond authenticity: Step up your student communication game! (S10.13)

Panel session

COIL is just the starting point: A partnership en route to strategic internationalisation (S10.09)

Roundtable session

Striking the right balance: Achieving recruitment and admissions targets while maintaining a human approach (S10.03)

Roundtable session

Ideas without frontiers: Social innovation and transformative change (S10.04)

Roundtable session

The value of glocal projects: Experiences from Latin America (S10.07)

Panel session

Intersecting themes: Connections between Internationalisation at Home, equality, sustainability and decolonisation (S10.05)

Roundtable session

EAIE Membership: a new era (S10.14)

EAIE session