Language and culture play a critical role in the internationalisation of higher education institutions. However, despite this ubiquity and relevance, many institutions struggle with developing, implementing, and monitoring adequate policies in all university operations in various contexts with multiple stakeholders.
This workshop discusses achievements and challenges with examples from national, institutional, and disciplinary contexts, and builds in space for interaction and networking.
Based on insights from organisational change and experiences, the facilitators present a structured, contextual approach for effective policy development, implementation, and monitoring, and discuss how to engage multiple stakeholders and organise resources.
This workshop will help you:
- Understand language policies and developments in various contexts, with differences, commonalities, and dynamics
- Extend your personal and institutional networks
- Reflect on issues and policies
- Develop, implement, and monitor an institutional language policy
- Engage multiple stakeholders and organise resources
This workshop is designed for all staff working with or interested in language policies, particularly staff responsible for policy development, monitoring, and implementation.
Franka van den Hende
Senior Policy Advisor, University of Groningen, The Netherlands
Franka is a senior policy advisor and researcher specializing in internationalization, diversity, and organizational change at the University of Groningen in the Netherlands. Franka has just completed her PhD research on Curriculum Internationalization: A Dynamic Organizational Change Process. She has worked for 32 years in higher education as a lecturer, researcher, project manager, director of the international office, and policy advisor in various contexts. Franka has published and presented her work frequently on national and international platforms and conferences.
Emma Hägg
Karolinska Institutet, Sweden
Emma Hägg is international coordinator and communications officer at International Relations Office at Karolinska Institutet, focusing on strategic internationalisation of the university’s study programmes on undergraduate and master's level.
Emma has an educational background in languages, anthropology and communication from universities in Sweden, US and Mexiko. Emma entered the position as international coordinator in August 2018, but has, during her more than 20 years at Karolinska Institutet, had different positions within higher education administration, in project management, internationalisation and communication.
She currently leads the "Dissemination and Impact" work package for the European University Alliance – NeurotechEU, a new assignment recently added to her portfolio. She recently led the team effort that produced Karolinska Institutet's first language policy.