W16: Micro-credentials: From the European concept to an effective international programme [SOLD OUT]

13:30 – 17:00 CEST, 17 September 2024 ‐ 3 hours 30 mins


More and more universities are offering, or planning to offer, micro-credentials, often with an eye to the international context. But how can micro-credentials effectively support innovative teaching and learning practices? What are the rules universities should follow in order to design successful international micro-credentials?

After presenting the European framework and outlining how universities can benefit from micro-credentials, including from a lifelong learning perspective, the workshop will challenge participants to actively design a micro-credential. Based on the results of experimentation and via a role-play scenario, participants will be invited to work together to acquire the tools and methodology to develop a micro-credential.

This workshop will help you:

Who is it for?
This workshop is designed for higher education professionals (teaching and learning services, continuing education) and academic staff interested in developing micro-credentials.